

Making Smaller Lasers at a Big Scale

The world is moving towards tunability. The combination of tunable lasers and dense wavelength division…


What are Access Networks and Why Should We Care?

The evolution of telecommunications has led to the development of complex network architectures designed to…


What’s New Inside a 100G ZR Module?

In the optical access networks, the 400ZR pluggables that have become mainstream in datacom applications…

Tunable Lasers and DSPs in the Age of AI

The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) models is transforming several industries, and data centers…


Transceivers in the Time of TowerCos

A recent report from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) declared that 37% of the global…


Reducing the Cost per Bit in Access Networks

Every telecommunications provider has the same fundamental problem. Many decades ago, service providers addressed increased…


How Pluggable Transceivers Help Your Network Scale

Modern optical networks must be scalable to accommodate escalating bandwidth requirements driven by data-intensive applications…


Why (Small) Laser Size Matters

Several applications in the optical network edge would benefit from upgrading from 10G to 100G…


Transceivers in Emergency Communications

Telecommunications are indispensable during emergencies and natural disasters for their pivotal role in coordinating emergency…


What is Laser Linewidth and Why Does it Matter

The world is moving towards tunability. The combination of tunable lasers and dense wavelength division…