

What Do Coherent Access Pluggables Need?

Given the success of 400ZR pluggable coherent solutions in the market, discussions in the telecom…


The Evolution of Data Center Interconnects

The digital era’s rapid expansion requires advances in data center interconnects (DCIs) to support the…

Pluggables have becomes mainstream in datacom applications.

A Story of Standards: From 400ZR and Open ROADM to OpenZR+

Coherent optical transmission has been crucial in addressing network operator problems for the last decade. In this time, coherent technology has expanded from a solution reserved only for premium long-distance links to one that impacts data center interconnects, metro, and access networks…

Reaching a 100ZR Future for Access Network Transport

In the optical access networks, the 400ZR pluggables that have become mainstream in datacom applications…

The Light Path to a Coherent Cloud Edge Banner

Improving Edge Computing with Coherent Optical Systems on Chip

Smaller data centers placed locally have the potential to minimize latency, overcome inconsistent connections, and…