

Transceiver Customization for Flexible Access Networks

Let’s be honest: not every optical network problem can be solved by scaling up capacity.…


Manufacturing a Coherent Transceiver

Coherent transmission has become a fundamental component of optical networks to address situations where direct…


Designing a Coherent Transceiver

Coherent transmission has become a fundamental component of optical networks to address situations where direct…


Where is 100ZR Needed?

Simply relying on traditional direct detect technologies will not meet the growing bandwidth and service…


Coherent Lite and The Future Inside the Data Center

In the dynamic landscape of data centers, the demand for greater bandwidth and extended reach…

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What Tunable Lasers Does the Network Edge Need?

Several applications in the optical network edge would benefit from upgrading from 10G to 100G…

Pluggables have becomes mainstream in datacom applications.

A Story of Standards: From 400ZR and Open ROADM to OpenZR+

Coherent optical transmission has been crucial in addressing network operator problems for the last decade. In this time, coherent technology has expanded from a solution reserved only for premium long-distance links to one that impacts data center interconnects, metro, and access networks…

What are FEC and PCS, and Why do They Matter

What are FEC and PCS, and Why do They Matter?

Coherent transmission has become a fundamental component of optical networks to address situations where direct…