

Why Semiconductors are Vital to Optics and Photonics

Thanks to wafer-scale technology, electronics have driven down the cost per transistor for many decades.…

shutterstock_1933377149 RENEWABLE ENERGY

The Impact of Photonics on Renewable Energy Systems

The quest for sustainable and clean energy solutions has increasingly turned towards photonics innovations. This…


Coherent Optics Explained

In the always-evolving world of communications, coherent optics deeply improved our ability to transmit at…


Transceiver Customization for Flexible Access Networks

Let’s be honest: not every optical network problem can be solved by scaling up capacity.…


Making Smaller Lasers at a Big Scale

The world is moving towards tunability. The combination of tunable lasers and dense wavelength division…


What’s New Inside a 100G ZR Module?

In the optical access networks, the 400ZR pluggables that have become mainstream in datacom applications…

Discover Where Light Meets Digital at OFC2024

Join us from March 26 to 28, 2024 at OFC in San Diego, California, the world’s largest event for optical networking and communications.

Tunable Lasers and DSPs in the Age of AI

The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) models is transforming several industries, and data centers…


EFFECT Photonics Secures $38 Million Series D Funding

Eindhoven, The Netherlands EFFECT Photonics, a leading developer of highly integrated optical solutions, today announced…


Reducing the Cost per Bit in Access Networks

Every telecommunications provider has the same fundamental problem. Many decades ago, service providers addressed increased…