EFFECT Photonics launches its new NarroWave – enabled tunable SFP+ modules
EFFECT Photonics announces the 2020 planned market launch of its new NarroWave – enabled SFP+ modules for plug-and-play remote commissioning and control of telecoms networks. Not only will the tunable transceivers allow customers to commission an entire telecoms network from the central office and monitor critical parameters in the field, but they will do so with no loss in data capacity of the 10G SFP+ Transceivers . Additionally, no hardware upgrades for customers are required.
Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) has proved itself indispensable when it comes to adding capacity to existing networks. Tunability increases that flexibility and simplicity of use even further and reduces operating costs. EFFECT Photonics’ SFP+ transceivers combine tunable DWDM capability in a photonics System-on-Chip integration, a unique combination that simplifies production and testing, and results in enhanced optical transmission and low-energy consumption.
As Director of Product Line Management Joost Verberk explains, “With all the optical components on a single die, you don’t lose any light as you would in with lasers, mirrors and prism connected through air (free space optics). This is a big advantage because generating the laser light requires energy. Our chips transmit light with high efficiency, or low-energy consumption. Basically, we get a lot of light out of the module for the electrons we put in.” That means tunable DWDM capability in a photonics System-on-Chip integration creates further reductions in operating costs and enhanced functionality, as well as performance relative to fixed-wavelength systems built in manual processes from individual components.
Additionally, EFFECT Photonics has created NarroWave technology that can be enabled on all EFFECT Photonics’ tunable SFP+ modules. Now customers will be able to remotely monitor and control their added capacity without diminishing it. According to Verberk, “NarroWave is a means for two of our SFP+ transceiver modules to talk to one another without interfering with our customers’ data channel by essentially creating an auxiliary channel between the two modules. You just plug it in. It can then be tuned manually from the central office or, with an ‘auto-tune’ feature, it can automatically find its way into the network and connect.”
Very few companies produce DWDM SFP+ modules, even fewer produce tunable ones, and EFFECT Photonics is the only one in Europe to do so. In that narrow field, EFFECT Photonics is already establishing itself as an important competitive option for telecoms providers. As the only company in the world that offers remote control and monitoring of System-on-Chip tunable SFP+ modules without loss of data capacity, EFFECT Photonics intends to lead the pack in the global 5G rollout and beyond, interconnecting humanity through fast, affordable, accessible, integrated communication technologies.

About EFFECT Photonics
EFFECT Photonics delivers highly integrated optical communications products based on its Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) optical System-on-Chip technology. The key enabling technology for DWDM systems is full monolithic integration of all photonic components within a single chip and being able to produce these in volume with high yield at low cost. With this capability, EFFECT Photonics is addressing the need for low cost DWDM solutions driven by the soaring demand for high bandwidth connections between datacenters and back from mobile cell towers. Headquartered in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, with additional R&D and manufacturing in South West UK, with sales partners worldwide. www.effectphotonics.com
For further information please contact: sales@effectphotonics.com