Giuseppe Romeo Fortuna

PIC Design Engineer in PIC & PDK Design


“What I like about being a PIC Design Engineer is the combination of electronics and photonics, and how empowering and critical my position is. ”

What is the most interesting aspect of working at EFFECT Photonics?
And what about your job specifically?

I am drawn by the design process of new devices, which is present in many levels of the formation of a new tech product. For the Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC), we design and interact with every aspect: epitaxy, building block, and chip layout, both electric and photonic. After design and fabrication, we do measurements, validation and analysis of the PIC. The challenges continue with algorithms, calibration, and simulations, coming up with solutions to achieve high-yield, high-volume, high-performance state-of-the-art products for e.g. the telecom market. So many fields of expertise are involved in this process!

What I like about being a PIC Design Engineer is working on the combination of electronics and photonics, and how empowering and critical my position is, especially here at EFFECT Photonics.

I’m directly involved with the core technology and I see what the impact of my efforts is. My measurements can be more efficient, more accurate and reliable, or more complex from time to time, which gives me room to innovate my position’s activities and drives me to extend my responsibilities. My feedback can be taken to the colleagues that work by my side, both in formal and informal ways. On top of that, the company is open to conversations on the shape of my position, vocation and qualities. Finally, my job improves from nice to great by the experts and awesome colleagues I have the pleasure to interact with every day.

What advice would you give to someone who is planning to apply at
EFFECT Photonics?

My advice for new joiners is to be prepared for unexpected fun, from the kitchen to the lab. Of course, there will be some quantum physics too. And difficult engineering challenges.  Commuting is easy, as there is a train station nearby, large bike sheds, a parking lot, and within walking distance from all public transport. There is even a park and basketball court nearby.

You will be helped quickly once you start, so don’t worry too much either, take your plant or home picture for your desk, and get started!

Get to know your team as soon as possible, they will be your second family before you know it. Show yourself by who you and your skills are, what your personality is, and what pitfalls you have and want to improve.

All employees are willing to think with you and help you if needed, you are accepted and treated with respect at EFFECT Photonics, so don’t worry and ask as many questions as you’d like. You are even stimulated to grow within your position, by broadening your skills or specializing in what you like the most.

On the social aspects of our company, you don’t need to worry, we’ve got you covered. There are many different nationalities, personalities, and hobbies among employees. And we made it work so far, with enthusiastic results. Additionally, a fresh eye can always help! So don’t worry to speak up and give feedback on what you’d like to improve.

Describe in 3 words what your job is all about.

Learning, innovation, interaction.

Learning, because I’m knowledge-hungry and want to keep improving my technical knowledge. And this is definitely possible! And when you feel you hit the roof, just speak with your manager and you will find the right solution.

Innovation is key. In our company, we strive to stay ahead of the competition with our technology, which can be done only with continuous improvement.

Interaction is a must! You can’t do it alone, that’s why we got a team for you, to help and be helped. Getting to know your colleagues makes a huge difference in terms of efficiency, and fun too!

What is your highlight about working here so far?

The only thing more amazing than our technology… Are our people! What would make your job more fun than your colleagues? In my view, getting to know each other has been very beneficial for both psychological and professional reasons too.

I can surely say that the relationship with my colleagues makes my job so much lighter, more interesting, more effective, and much more enthusiastic. I’m happy to bike to work every time, to see my colleagues, and be part of the effort to make photonic-integrated products, as a Team. The main language is English, since there are so many international people, while other languages are seen as a gift. We organize groups to play board games, table football, indoor football, walking events, and so far new ideas are very well accepted… But everyone’s different, so you will only take part if you wish!

This includes the managers too, as they are closely involved with the work produced in every team, as well as the people who made it possible. The interaction is polite and informal, we can laugh, or talk about serious matters, all respectfully and constructively. And the tasks I get are tailor-made, as I was able to gain experience from week 1, and had to do increasingly more difficult tasks, all after discussing them with my manager.

So I’m quite confident to say that it’s one big highlight so far!

Are you ready to start your journey at EFFECT Photonics?

Search our job openings and start your career in the photonics industry today! Whether you’re in engineering, research or the commercial side, we can help change your future.